About sled-x.ca

Mission Statement

One of the goals of this website is to bring awareness to winter enthusiasts, who happen to be in the Algoma region, the opportunity for off-the-beaten-path wilderness snowmobiling. This website is designed to provide samples of some pre-existing routes along with available planning / educational tools for those who will be venturing out and hopefully doing so in an organized, safe and enjoyable manner.

Be Part of the Community

This is a user-contribution website that has some password-protected links. You are welcome to share a cross-country route and the author will share one with you. The website administrator welcomes you to contribute.  For more information, contact Dan:  dan.kachur@sled-x.ca


This website is for information purposes only. The authors / contributors of this website will not be held liable / responsible for any actions that may occur to you, your friends or your group before, during or after any snowmobiing event that you undertake relating to this website.


This website is updated weekly during winter months